MATLAB: Do I receive the Warning Mesage “Toolbox Path Cache is not being used” when I use the MATLAB Compiler 4.0 (R14)

compilecompilederrorMATLAB Compilerpathdefpathdef.mr14r14sp1rehashtoolboxcache

Sometimes, when I run a stand-alone application created using the MATLAB Compiler, I receive a warning message similar to the following:
Warning: C:\Program Files\MathWorks\MATLAB Component Runtime\v70\toolbox\local\pathdef.m not found.
Toolbox Path Cache is not being used. Type 'help toolbox_path_cache' for more info.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
Note that this is a benign warning message and should not affect the compilation or execution of the program.
One way to work around this issue is to create a blank pathdef.m and place it in the directory
where $MCR is the directory where the MATLAB Component Runtime (MCR) has been installed on your system.
Another way to workaround this issue is to create a new copy of startup.m and disable warning messages as follows:
warning off
Ensure that the startup.m file is on the MATLAB path.
Note that after making the modifications, you will need to recompile your application.