MATLAB: Do I receive the error ‘The input frame size must be a multiple of the decimation factor when in maintain frame rate mode’ when using the CIC Decimation block in the Signal Processing Blockset 6.1 (R14SP2)


I have a large model that contains a CIC Decimation block. When I run the simulation, I receive the error:
Error reported by S-function 'sdspcicfilter' in 'fxp_bpsk_system/BPSK Demodulator/BPSK Costas Loop/CIC Decimation Filter1/CIC Decimation':
The input frame size must be a multiple of the decimation factor when in maintain frame rate mode
I receive this error even though the input frame size is a multiple of the decimation factor.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in the CIC Decimation block in the Signal Processing Blockset 6.1 (R14SP2) in way the input frame size is interpreted.
To work around this issue, if there is an Inport block leading into the CIC Decimation block, either directly or through a Buffer block, make sure that the Port Dimensions property is defined explicitly, rather than using -1 for inherited. For example, specify the Port Dimensions to be [1,1].