MATLAB: Do I receive the error “The application encountered an unexpected error and needs to close. You may want to try re-installing your product(s),” at 0% when installing MATLAB

When installing MATLAB I get the error above at 0% in the installer. The error additionally suggest looking at the installation log. The installation log has the following error:
    at com.mathworks.install.ComponentSizeAggregator.add(
    at com.mathworks.install.ProductInstallerImpl.downloadProducts(
    at com.mathworks.install.ProductInstallerImpl.installProducts(
    at com.mathworks.install.InstallerImpl.install(
    at com.mathworks.installwizard.model.InstallTask.execute(
    at com.mathworks.installwizard.model.AbstractBackgroundTask.execute(
    at com.mathworks.wizard.worker.WorkerImpl.doInBackground(
    at javax.swing.SwingWorker$
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Error: The application encountered an unexpected error and needs to close.  You may want to try re-installing your product(s).  More information can be found at /var/folders/4l/_2c57spd59vcxrz3kb8t3s600000gn/T/mathworks_username.log

Best Answer

The issue is likely related to old cached files in the MathWorks folder in Downloads.  Removing this folder will allow the installation to continue.
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