MATLAB: Do I receive the error “Registration Error: An error occurred while trying to register MATLAB as OLE server.” during the installation process of MATLAB


I receive the error during the installation process of MATLAB.
ERROR: Registration Error: An error occured while trying to register MATLAB as OLE server.

Best Answer

This error can occur if the Visual Studio 2005 Runtime Libraries are not installed on the machine. This can occur if:
  • The Windows Installer on the machine is older than version 3.1
  • The user running MATLAB does not have administrative rights
  • MATLAB is not started with the matlab.bat file from $MATLAB\bin (where $MATLAB is the installation folder for MATLAB)
To resolve this error, run the following executable file with administrator rights:
$MATLAB\bin\win32\vcredist_x86.exe (for 32-bit MATLAB)
$MATLAB\bin\win64\vcredist_x64.exe (for 64-bit MATLAB)
You should see the Visual Studio 2005 Runtime library installer appear and complete the installation. If you see the following errors:
ERROR: MS visual C++ 2005 redistributable:
Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
ERROR: VCRT_check.exe failed: MFC80U.DLL library could not be located.
You will need to update the Windows Installer. For more details see the Bug Report here:
If this does not solve the problem, follow the steps in the documentation in section "External Interfaces" to manually register MATLAB using the 'matlab /regserver' command (Step: "Register MATLAB as a COM Server").
These files are not included as of R2016b and after. If you experience this error on those releases, please contact support.