MATLAB: Do I receive the error message ‘Self Registering did not register’ when installing the Gauges Blockset

ads.ocxdidGauges Blocksetnotregisterregisteringself

During the installation of the Gauges Blockset, I receive the following error:
Copying Gauges Blockset files ads.ocx
Self Registering did not register
When I click the "OK" button, the installation appears to continue normally.

Best Answer

As part of the installation procedure for the Gauges Blockset, ActiveX components must be registered with Windows. This normally happens automatically through the MATLAB installer as the Gauges Blockset is being installed. Sometimes, however, there are certain types of conflicts between the versions of DLLs that are installed on your Windows machine and those with which the ActiveX components were built. These conflicts can cause the registration process to fail during installation. When this happens, you will see an error message during the installation similar to the one reported above. The rest of the Gauges Blockset installation stops when you click on the "OK" button and the MATLAB installer proceeds to the next product selected to be installed. This results in an incomplete installation of the Gauges Blockset.
The following procedure can be used to complete the installation of the Gauges Blockset:
1. Download the complete set of ActiveX controls necessary for the Blockset. These are in the form of *.ocx files.
Download and unzip the attached file. Place all of the files into the following directory:
(where $MATLAB is the MATLAB root directory on your machine, as returned by typing
at the MATLAB command prompt.)
2. Copy the Global Majic configuration file, config.gms, from the
directory into your Windows system directory. The Windows system directory is usually located in
C:\Windows\System for Windows 95/98
and in
C:\WinNT\System32 for Windows NT and XP.
C:\Windows\System32 for Windows 7 (please note: start MATLAB as an administrator to register components of attempt this workaround).
3. Make sure that config.gms is NOT read-only. It must be a writable file.
4. Start MATLAB.
5. From the MATLAB command prompt, type the following:
6. You should see some messages in the MATLAB command windows indicating that the controls are being registered. You can verify the proper installation by opening the Gauges library using the MATLAB command:
and navigating to the Global Majic library. You can open up one of the sublibraries, and you should see the controls displayed on the various blocks in the library.
If everything is working, you may stop here. If the above steps have not worked, then there are still some compatibility problems between the version of some Microsoft libraries that the ActiveX controls have been built against and the version of these libraries used in your system directory. The best way to address this is to try to register the controls using the version of the Microsoft libraries shipped with MATLAB. This can be accomplished by doing the following:
7. Open up a MS-DOS prompt and cd to the $MATLAB/bin directory.
8. Execute the following command at the MS-DOS prompt pointing to the location of the .ocx files on your machine:
regsvr32 <matlabroot>/toolbox/gauges/ocx/*.ocx
9. You should see dialog boxes which say that the registration has succeeded for these controls. If so, the Gauges Blockset should be working properly. Again, you can verify the proper installation by opening the Gauges library using the MATLAB command:
and navigating to the Global Majic library. Open up one of the sublibraries, and you should see the controls displayed on the various blocks in the library.