MATLAB: Do I receive the error message “ELF file OS ABI invalid” when trying to start the network license manager


Why do I receive the error message "ELF file OS ABI invalid" when trying to start the network license manager? When trying to start the license manager, I get the following output:
MLM: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016b/etc/glnxa64/../../sys/os/glnxa64/ ELF file OS ABI invalid

Best Answer

This error message indicates that the system libraries required to start the network license manager are outdated and unable to support the version of the license manager you are trying to run. Please see our system requirements page for information on which operating systems we have qualified MATLAB and associated software components on. If you are unsure if your operating system is qualified with a specific software version or have other questions not answered on the system requirements page, please contact MathWorks Technical Support for further assistance.