MATLAB: Do I receive License Manager Error -25


Why do I receive "License Manager Error -25"?
ERROR: License checkout failed. License server does not support this version of this feature. License Manager Error -25

Best Answer

This error occurs when you try to start a version of MATLAB that is newer than the version of the license.dat file on the license server.To resolve this issue, update the license.dat file on the server to the latest release that you are licensed for.For instructions, please see the following article:
How do I update the license file on the license server?
The license.dat file on the server machine is located in:
$MATLABROOT/etc ($MATLAB\flexlm for releases prior to R2010b on Windows)
(where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB installation directory)
NOTE: Once you have made changes to your license file, be sure to restart the network license manager for these changes to take effect. For more information on how to restart the license manager, see the Related Solution linked below.