MATLAB: Do I receive ” Could not find version X.X of MCR” when running the compiled app and MCR is installed.

compilerMATLABMATLAB Compilermcrruntime

When I run my compiled application on a windows deployment machine with the MCR installed, I receive the error message:
ERROR: "Could not find version 8.2 of the MCR.
Attempting to load mclmcrrt_2.dll
Please install the correct version of the MCR.
Contact your vendor if you do not have an installer for the MCR."

Best Answer

Please check if you have the correct version of MATLAB Runtime installed. To download MATLAB Runtime, please go to the following link:
If you have installed the correct version of the MATLAB Runtime, this error is most likely because the required MATLAB Runtime is not found on the Windows system path.
To check the system path in windows:
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Click "System"
  3. Click "Advanced System Settings"
  4. Click "Advanced"
  5. Click "Environment Variables"
  6. Locate the variable "Path" in the System Variables table. Select it and click "Edit..."
  7. If you are using Windows 10 the path will display as a list. In other versions of windows the path will be displayed in a single text box. To make it easier to inspect, copy and paste the value into a text editor.
  8. Ensure that a folder path like the following is located somewhere in the system path. If it is not, add it manually
  • (For 32-bit Installation) C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v82\runtime\win32;
  • (For 64-bit Installation) C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v82\runtime\win64
In some cases, the MCR was not added to the path due to a lack of administrator privileges. In this case, you may not be able to add it to the system path and instead will have to add it to the user path. The user path is appended to the system path when the path is searched; however, you will have to do this for each user account that needs to use the MCR.
In the event that the error still occurs after the above measures, close all instances of MATLAB and try re-running the application.