MATLAB: Do I receive an Invalid MEX-File error when using the C2D command in Control System Toolbox 8.0(R2007a) on Mac Tiger

Control System Toolbox

When I use the C2D command as mentioned in the documentation:
H = tf([1 -1],[1 4 5],'inputdelay',0.35);
Hd = c2d(H,0.1,'zoh');
I receive the following error message:
??? Invalid MEX-file '/Applications/MATLAB74/toolbox/control/ctrlutil/frkernel.mexmac': dlopen(/Applications/MATLAB74/toolbox/control/ctrlutil/frkernel.mexmac, 1): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libgcc_s.1.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/MATLAB74/bin/mac/
Reason: image not found.

Best Answer

This issue is due to a missing library (libgcc_s.1.0.dylib) on the install for Mac PowerPC.
To work around this issue place the attached file (libgcc_s.1.0.dylib) in '/usr/local/lib' or '/usr/lib'. Please note that creating this directory may require administrative rights.