MATLAB: Do I receive an inaccurate value of e (Euler’s Number) when I do exp(1) in MATLAB

2.71828constanteuler'sMATLABnumberSymbolic Math Toolbox

If I execute the following code to get e, Euler's Number to 100 decimal places,
one = vpa(1)
b = vpa(exp(one)) 
I get:
b =
However, if I execute:
a = exp(1)
I get:
a = 2.718281828459046
Note that this number is not a rounded or truncated version of Euler's constant e, and is not the best double precision value for e.

Best Answer

This is due to double precision roundoff error introduced due by the double 1 in exp(1). Note that if I execute the following,
I get,
ans =
which is enough error at the value exp(1) to allow for the difference in the theoretical and double precision values. Thus, the value provided by exp(1) is within eps of the theoretical value.