MATLAB: Do I receive an error when starting the network license manager on Linux stating: lmhostid: not found


I have installed the network license manager on Linux, and when I attempt to start it, it fails, showing this error:
/usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a/etc/glnxa64/lmhostid: not found
How do I resolve this issue?

Best Answer

FlexNet versions 11.8 and above (Polyspace R2010b / MATLAB R2011a) require the Linux Standard Base (LSB) 3.0 components in order to run on Linux systems. LSB is an open standard meant to simplify software support across multiple Linux distributions.
Although the necessary LSB libraries are often installed by default on major Linux distributions, they may be missing in some cases. To resolve the issue, you will need to install them. See the following article for more information:
Why do I receive error messages indicating license manager utilities cannot be found or are missing libraries on Linux?