MATLAB: Do I receive an error message about the installation folder not being empty when attempting to install a support package for R2016a and older


When trying to install a support package, I receive the following error:
Error: Confirm
The installation folder C:\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R201Xx\supportpackage\ is not empty.
If the folder is being used by another MATLAB installation:
– Specify a different installation folder
If the fodler is not being used by another MATLAB installation:
– Use PATHTOOL to ensure that the folder is not on the MATLAB path
– Manually delete the folder
– Proceed with support package installation

Best Answer

This may indicate that either your support package installation is corrupt or the path to the support package has not been saved to your path file. 
If the support package directory is listed in your MATLAB path, then the installation may be corrupt. Remove the directory mentioned in the error and try going through installation once more. 
If the support package directory is not listed in your MATLAB path, then use the 'Set Path' feature in MATLAB to add the specified directory to your MATLAB path.