MATLAB: Do I receive an error message about shared_asa​m_mdf_reso​urces_comm​on_1466085​742.enc while installing MATLAB


Why do I receive the following error message:
The following error was detected while installing shared_asam_mdf_resources_common: $MATLAB/archives/common/shared_asam_mdf_resources_common_1466085742.enc (No such file or directory)  Would you like to retry installing shared_asam_mdf_resources_common? If you press No, the installer will exit without completing the installation. More information can be found at $TEMP/mathworks_$LOGNAME.log

Best Answer

This error message is caused by installing R2016b from the ISO images, but using the login option when running the installer. Trying to install the Powertrain Blockset from the ISO installer while logging in will cause this error message.
To install the Powertrain Blockset, please use the online installer from, and login to your MathWorks Account there.