MATLAB: Do I receive an error about redundant drivers in SimMechanics

constraintconstraintsdegreedetermineddofdriverfreedommotionredundantSimscape Multibody

I have a SimMechanics model which includes actuators that drive some joints. When I simulate the model, I receive this error:
Error originates in Mechanical block planet0A/Revolute. Motion is overdetermined by redundant driver(s) applied to this joint. Remove redundant driver(s)

Best Answer

This error occurs when you have more motion drivers than degrees of freedom in your model. Remove one or more of the actuators or drivers in the model until you have at most as many actuators and drivers as you do degrees of freedom.
Please find more details about troubleshooting the error at the following link(Motion Inconsistency and Singularity Errors-> No Degrees of freedom)-
To know more about identifying and counting independent degree of freedom, please refer to the link-