MATLAB: Do I receive a Fatal Internal Error when trying to start MATLAB on the computer running Linux


I am trying to start MATLAB after installing it on my computer, but I receive the following error message, and MATLAB fails to start:
Fatal Internal Error: Unexpected exception: 'N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_39current_exception_std_exception_wrapperISt13runtime_errorEEEE: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' in createMVMAndCallParser phase 'Creating local MVM'
Why do I receive a Fatal Internal Error when trying to start MATLAB on my computer running Linux?

Best Answer

This error message indicates that the library is either not installed, or is not the correct version. To resolve the error, refer to your distribution specific documentation for installing the package or packages responsible for providing the library. For example, Ubuntu or Debian based distributions should be able to install the library with:
apt install libxt6
Once installed, MATLAB should be able to start correctly.