MATLAB: Reason for Histogram Equalisation for having “stacked” effects

histeqhistogramhistogram equalizationImage Processing Toolbox

I read in an image, run histeq on the it and store it as Img2. Then I run histeq again on Img2 and store it as Img3.
It turns out that when I compare the histograms of Img2 and Img3, the histogram of Img3 looks more equalised and uniform. Both Img2 and Img3, however, look almost identical with naked eyes.
This is a screenshot of their histograms. The one on the left is the histogram for Img2, while the right one is for Img3:
So it looks like the histogram equalisation can be "stacked" and by running many times can make the image even more uniform? Is there a reason for this?

Best Answer

What was your second input argument to histeq()?
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