MATLAB: Readtable / readcell / readmatrix not reading xlsx calculated column


I am trying not to use xlsread and switching my code to readtable so it doesn't need Microsoft Office.
The column I'm trying to read is Column C in the attached file, which is a sumation of all other columns, however when I do readtable (and all other variants readcell / readmatrix / readvars / xlsread in basic mode ) I get 0s for that column instead of the sum. I've tried all Name Value pair options and spreadsheetImportOptions as well.
A possible solution would be to add the columns in Matlab, but these are dynamic files created by another entity and I'd rather take their calculation in case it changes.
I also tried xlsread in basic mode, but the function call just hangs.

Best Answer

From Mathworks Support:
Unfortunately, as of now, there is no functionality to read the values of cells that are computed using formulas using MATLAB on Linux.
I have informed the Development Team about the possibility of having this kind of feature for Linux users so that they will consider including this functionality in a future release.
I will close this case for now. However, if you have any follow-up questions, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you further.
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