MATLAB: Readtable is jumping to a new row after delimiter


Hi, I am using readtabe to read a dat file.
i am using Data = readtable(fullfile(filepath,filename);
it should read
'my first line is this'
'my second line is different'
'my third line is a measurment = 1' etc.
instead it is reading
'line' etc …
I don't understand why especilly it was working properly this morning.
I tried adding, 'delimiter', 'space but gave the same result.
Any idea why and how to solve it?
thank you

Best Answer

A delimiter is what indicates where to separate words. It seems the delimiter is already a space, as you are already getting the output to be one word at a time. It's hard to say what you should use instead, since we'd need to see the actual data file.
In the meantime, try using the Import Tool to see if using the user interface you can get the desired output. That might help you see what settings to use for readtable.
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