MATLAB: Readtable from i-th row to last row

data importimporting excel dataMATLABreadtable

I am looking for a solution to read an Excel table via readtable from a specific row on down to the last row. I know in which row to start, but I don't know in before which row exactly is the last row.
The only idea I had by now was doing something like
data = readtable(workbookFile, 'sheet', sheetName, 'ReadVariableNames', true, 'FileType', 'spreadsheet', 'UseExcel', false, 'Range', '7:50000');
where 7 ist the row to start the import and 50000 is a valua that high, it would never be reached. The next step would be to delete all the empty rows, that were created (I'm still figuring out how to do it but thats not a part of my question).
That doesn't seem to be very efficient to me. Does anybody have a better solution?

Best Answer

Try this
opts = detectImportOptions(filename,'NumHeaderLines',6)
T = readtable(filename,opts)