MATLAB: Readtable error “Sheet name does not exist or is not supported”


I use readtable all the time but never had this error until today: "Sheet name does not exist or is not supported, To check if the sheet is supported, specify the sheet by its worksheet index." Here is the way I am using it:
a = readtable(filename, 'sheet', sheetname);
If I just do a = readtable(filename), there is no error and the output a is a table with the first sheet. If I use an index, it works as well:
a = readtable(filename, 'sheet', 1);
But I need to use sheetname in this case.
What is wrong here?
Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

Thanks for the help. I just fixed it! Some the date format in the sheet is not readable in Matlab. I changed the Date format in the Excel file and now it is working.
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