MATLAB: Readmatrix is truncating and moving decimal


I am trying to read in values from an excel file using readmatrix. However when I do, it is truncating the values to 4 decimal places and moving the decimal to the left by 5. I've included some of the values I am reading in and the output values.
expData = readmatrix(filepath, 'Range', [row column]);
33972.45132 39866.2488 41830.75072 37335.1956 49199.85501
1113.630062 1113.391926 1117.544912 762.7461789 772.5554815
519.7667948 908.574646 912.5042935 1453.894848 3646.179932
616.3827322 418.8647381 557.0445367 490.6243073 486.6413401
3063.321961 3744.258294 3665.579968 2410.484524 2691.052388
0.3397 0.3987 0.4183 0.3734 0.4920
0.0111 0.0111 0.0112 0.0076 0.0077
0.0052 0.0091 0.0091 0.0145 0.0365
0.0062 0.0042 0.0056 0.0049 0.0049
0.0306 0.0374 0.0367 0.0241 0.0269

Best Answer

format longg % at the beginning