MATLAB: Reading workspace variables into function

evalfaq 4.6variableworkspace

I want a function to ask me the name of the variable from the base workspace to work on it. I have variables in the base workspace called A1, A2, A3. I want the function to read these variables into function by choice. I tried to assign the variables as global, however it doesn't seem to work.
Here's what I did;
function X name = input('Var?') y = name*5; end
I got this error message;
Error using ==> input Undefined function or variable 'X'.
If I wanted to do it with eval function I would have written;
function X name = input('Var?','s') y = eval(name)*5; end
However it is not a practical way to do it. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Mert

Best Answer

Don't do it!