MATLAB: Reading the contents of a text file

MATLABread file

I have the following content in a text file
1 2 3.45 4
2 2 3.43 4
3 2 3.23 4
4 2 3.46 4
5 2 3.345 4
6 2 3.4567 4
I'm trying to read the input in the following manner
m = 6
n = 4
fileid = fopen(f,'r');
content = fscanf(fileid,'%f', [m n]);
This doesn't return the above data as m x n .
May I know what's the right way to read this data?

Best Answer

Since you have R2019b, use the readmatrix function. Another option is readtable if it has headers you want to preserve.
If it a simple file, load will likely also work.
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