MATLAB: Reading text file using fprintf and textscan


I am reading a text file and trying to extract array from the file. I used script as below.
B_a=textscan(fid,'%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\r\n','HeaderLines', 1);
The goal is to acheive a matrix as below.
But as I did I only get an array contains only the first line of text file.
Can anyone please help me?

Best Answer

You could continue to use textscan, you don't specify line endings and separators in the format string:
fid = fopen('test.txt');
B_a=textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f%f','HeaderLines', 1);
B_a = cell2mat(B_a);
You could also use readtable to read as a table, then convert to a matrix. If the header of the your file made more sense, readtable could have used that to name the variables.
B_a = table2array(readtable('test.txt'));
If on the newly released R2019a, the simplest is to use readmatrix:
B_a = readmatrix('test.txt'); %all done. It figures out the number of headerlines on its own.