MATLAB: Reading series of images

image processingreading filesseparate

Hi I have the next code:
function Image(ImaIn,ImaFin,coordinates)
for i=ImaIn:ImaFin
I=imread(['DSCN0594 ',num2str(i),'.jpg']);
This is for reading and cropping the images with the giving coordinates, it functions well. But the problem is that I need to do it for many series. So, the serie DSCN0594 it is not the only I will read and crop and maybe not all the images will be '.jpg' maybe they will be '.png' . I need that this code more flexible. Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

Use dir() to get all the possible extensions. Inside your loop over i (bad name by the way), have this code:
baseFileName = sprintf('DSCN0594%d.*', i);
filePattern = fullfile(pwd, baseFileName); % Use whatever folder you want instead of pwd.
allFiles = dir(filePattern);
for k = 1 : length(allFiles)
% Get the full name of the kth file.
thisBaseFileName = allFiles(k).name;
thisFullFileName = fullfile(pwd, thisBaseFileName);
% Read in original image.
originalImage = imread(thisFullFileName);
% Crop it and save cropped version in croppedImage.
croppedImage = imcrop(originalImage, coordinates);
% Save to current folder (which is a bad idea!) with filename
% that depends only on i (again, bad idea).
imwrite(croppedImage, [num2str(i),'.png'])
That's just off the top of my head, and not tested, but it should find all versions of the file regardless of whether they are PNG, JPG, TIF, BMP or whatever, and save all of them to the same filename. You might want to change the filename, or save them to the same format as they started with, or else if you have both a PNG and a JPG with the same base file name, the first one will get overwritten.
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