MATLAB: Reading saved gpuArray data with a non-gpu computer

gpu gatherMATLABParallel Computing Toolbox

After some lengthy calculations using gpus in Matlab (2015b, cuda7), I have saves .mat files that have variables of class gpuArray. I wanted to further analyze them with my non gpu laptop and was underthe impression that a simple gather would work, but I was wrong. I get the following error:
>> gather(x)
Error using gpuArray/gather
Attempting to access the property or method of an invalid object.
I know I can first gather(x) and then save, I wanted to know how would one access data of class gpuArray that is saved in a mat file without have a gpu present?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, this is not possible. To make data visible to a MATLAB that does not have Parallel Computing Toolbox, you must first gather it before calling save. Without PCT, MATLAB does not know how to construct a gpuArray from the saved data, hence the error you are seeing. With PCT but with no GPU device you will see a different error.