MATLAB: Reading multiple excel files from a folder that has other types of files in addition to excel and putting the values in a cell array


I have a folder in which there are files of many types(.csv,.xlsx,.jpg,.mat,etc.) and my objective is to filter out only the excel files, read the values of third column(C) of each excel file and put them into the matrix or cell array.
I don't have any idea on how to write a program that will only read excel files. Below is the following code I wrote using actxserver.
function startServ1
exl = actxserver('excel.application');
exlWkbk = exl.Workbooks;
FilteredFiles = dir([folder '/*.xlsx']);
sd = length(FilteredFiles);
N_File = numel(sd);
%exlData = cell(1,N_File);
for e = 1:N_File
exlFile = exlWkbk.Open([folder '/' FilteredFiles(e).name]);
robj = exlSheet1.Columns.End(4);
numrows = robj.row;
dat_range = ['C1:C' num2str(numrows)];
rngObj(:,e) = exlSheet1.Range(dat_range);
exlData = rngObj.Value;
end % startServ1
Can someone help me how to get this reading done. Thanks.

Best Answer

sdirectory = 'D:\EXAMPLE_directory';
tifffiles = dir([sdirectory '/*.xlsx']);
sd = length(tifffiles);
for k = 1:numel(sd)
File1 = [sdirectory '/' tifffiles(k).name];
A = xlsread(File1)