MATLAB: Reading lines from a .raw file and storing them into an array

.raw filearraycellmatrixopen filerawreadread file

I have some data in a .raw file as shown below:
The first and last column indicates a number and the ffff represents a hex value. There are 13 rows in this file. I need to write a program which reads each line, and stores each line into an array(matrix) to be used later. The only column I will have to ignore is ADDR and I need and array from CH0 to NUM with all the values in each column but I'm having difficulty trying to read the file.
So far I have used this:
fid = fopen(file_raw);
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
tline = fgetl(fid);
But it only displays the content on the file. I would appreciate any suggestions!!

Best Answer

fid = fopen('temp.txt','rt');
hdr = regexp(fgets(fid),',','split');
fmt = repmat('%s',1,numel(hdr));
C = textscan(fid,fmt,'Delimiter',',');
C = horzcat(C{:});
tested on this file: