MATLAB: Reading edit boxes without callback

guireading edit boxes with out callback of edit boxes

Everybody hello, my question about to read edit boxes(~10) without call backs, because of the number of edit boxes and also the default values are difficult to enter every time when I run the GUI, default values are already exist in the editboxes so when user wants to change any, with callback function I can read the values but now I want to store all data without any callback of edit box but just callback function of pushbutton. because on that case when the subfunctıon of pushbotton is called as the variables in the handle has not beed defined yet I can't store the data what is the best way to get all those data from written editboxes without calling exucitıon of the subfunction blongs to edit boxes. thanks ın advance

Best Answer

The edit boxes don't need to have any callbacks. In the callback of your pushbutton, simply get their values and do whatever you want with them, such as save them to a file or use them in a calculation or expression.
function pushbutton__Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
text1 = get(handles.editBox1, 'String');
text2 = get(handles.editBox2, 'String');
text3 = get(handles.editBox3, 'String');
text4 = get(handles.editBox4, 'String');
text5 = get(handles.editBox5, 'String');
text6 = get(handles.editBox6, 'String');
text7 = get(handles.editBox7, 'String');
text8 = get(handles.editBox8, 'String');
text9 = get(handles.editBox9, 'String');
text10 = get(handles.editBox10, 'String');