MATLAB: Reading and writing faster a mat-file

cell arrayscsvMATLABtext file

Hello! I'm trying to improve my method to read and save a mat-file but it's really difficult right now. I'm programing a GUI app to save and load data . I have a cell-array (size 1367×117) and I am saving this variable in a mat-file called test.mat, but when I'm trying to load, the operation takes so much time that it's uncomfortable to wait.
I want your opinion about the way to save the file (use .cv, .mat or .txt) and the best way to read the info. I'll appreciate.

Best Answer

The speed of save and load depends on the format of the mat-file and maybe the release of Matlab.
Try the option, '-v6', of save to use the (one of) old format. The new features and compression comes at a price.