MATLAB: Reading an Excel File (Excelfinlename.dvd) with decimal comma instaed of decimal point

decimal commadecimal pointdecimal radixexcelMATLABradix pointxlsread

Hi…, Currently i am trying to read an excel files with two different ending . dvd & .sod (From SCADA system). i am using the [Values] = xlsread(File_to_Open) to do so. my question is: In the excel file i have the values so written (Example: 21,1) with comma not point (I am using a German Windows system) and when i am importing those data to matlab i am getting something like 37, I am not sure why!! Can you help me with this problem of importing when using the xlsread() function?

Best Answer

it seems i had the solution all along. I took the third output of xlsread and then change it from cell to matrix using cell2mat and i got me wished output thx for the help anyway :)