MATLAB: Reading a text file without headers

readingtext filewithout headers

I have a text file without headers and starting as shown below with spacing. I have 3652500 rows in the text file. How can I read this text file using MATLAB.
1 1 1 1 0.00 55. 36. 295.
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

If all rows have the same number of columns
dlmread, Read ASCII-delimited file of numeric data into matrix
M = dlmread(filename)
M = dlmread(filename, delimiter)
M = dlmread(filename, delimiter, R,C)
M = dlmread(filename, delimiter, range)
Example in response to comment:
This works fine here (R2013a)
filespec = 'h:\m\cssm\sample\sample.txt';
num = dlmread( filespec );
whos num
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
num 20x8 1280 double
Doc says
When dlmread infers the delimiter from the formatting of the file, it
treats repeated white spaces as a single delimiter. By contrast, if you
specify a delimiter, dlmread treats any repeated delimiter character as
a separate delimiter.
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