MATLAB: Read .txt to cell array with keeping the row and column structure

read .txt cell array

I want to read in .txt that looks like this:
23.06.2011 09:53:48.2153 CAN #2 | Rx 0e4 8 26 73 74 22
23.06.2011 09:53:48.2182 CAN #2 | Rx 281 2 7b f3
23.06.2011 09:53:48.2204 CAN #2 | Rx 1b3 00 ff 80 26
23.06.2011 09:53:48.2225 CAN #2 | Rx 199 1d 80 ff 2f
but then with quite a few more lines in the same format, and save it as a cell array that keeps the row and column structure. Just doing textscan will make a X by 1 array where the rows and columns are lost. Any know what to do? thanx!

Best Answer

a=textscan(fid,repmat('%s ',1,12))