MATLAB: Read .txt file in matlab and save date


Hi! I have a file .txt with this data:
user check-in time (year-month-day hours) latitude longitude location id
0 2010-10-03 22-21-49 30.2448597206 -97.7571630478 18417
0 2010-10-02 01-48-43 30.2558143993 -97.7634179592 4256132
0 2010-10-01 14-36-39 30.2679095833 -97.7493124167 21714
0 2010-09-30 23-23-22 30.2643362697 -97.7410461251 211286
0 2010-09-29 00-31-24 30.2379105 -97.79996073 539065
0 2010-09-28 23-47-07 30.2313745667 -97.79745475 15590
0 2010-09-27 14-52-01 30.2691029532 -97.7493953705 420315
0 2010-09-26 16-43-45 30.250617981 -97.7658996582 121955
0 2010-08-30 00-11-01 30.2509939667 -97.7489662167 9508
0 2011-08-28 22-27-57 30.2448597206 -97.7571630478 18417
I want read this file in matlab and I want to save in a variable A only the rows with year 2010 and months 10 and 8, can you help me?

Best Answer

You have to re the entire file into our workspace, then select the rows you want.
It is probably easiest to use the textscan function to read it.
For example:
fidi = fopen( ..., 'rt');
d = textscan(fidi, '%f %s %s %f %f %f', 'HeaderLines',1, 'CollectOutput',true);
The ā€˜dā€™ variable will be a cell array with the second and third columns as cell arrays of strings.
Another possibility is:
d = textscan(fidi, '%f %f-%f-%f %f-%f-%f %s %f %f %f', 'HeaderLines',1, 'CollectOutput',true);
NOTE ā€” This is UNTESTED CODE. I do not have your file to test it with.