MATLAB: Read two lines from a file and repeat for next lines

loopstrreadtext file

Hello everybody
i have a file part like this:
1, 695, 400, 8, 519, 2721, 2426, 2034, 2545, 6082, 6081, 6080, 6079, 6083, 6084, 6085,
6086, 6088, 6087, 6089, 6090
2, 694, 117, 678, 730, 2720, 2143, 2704, 2756, 6094, 6093, 6092, 6091, 6095, 6096, 6097,
6098, 6100, 6099, 6101, 6102
3, 116, 679, 726, 724, 2142, 2705, 2752, 2750, 6106, 6105, 6104, 6103, 6107, 6108, 6109,
6110, 6112, 6111, 6113, 6114
4, 724, 722, 683, 116, 2750, 2748, 2709, 2142, 6117, 6116, 6115, 6103, 6118, 6119, 6120,
6110, 6114, 6121, 6122, 6112
5, 115, 728, 692, 682, 2141, 2754, 2718, 2708, 6126, 6125, 6124, 6123, 6127, 6128, 6129,
6130, 6132, 6131, 6133, 6134
Now i would like to read the first two lines and add to a cell like:
for b=(start_elements(i)+1):(end_elements(i)-1)
Element{i}(p,:)=strread(FFLINES{b}, '%f', 'delimiter', ',');
In the end i will have a cell Element{1,1} with all the 21 elements but i cannot figure out how to do it.

Best Answer

It is more efficient to read everything in a single call. I/O operations on disk can be a bottleneck, so that should be reduced as much as possible
str = fileread('data.txt');
data = textscan(str, '%f', 'Delimiter', ',');
data = reshape(data{1}, 21, []).'
data.txt is attached.