MATLAB: Read multiple text files and save the data into matrix

txtfile read

I have multiple text files (for example I have attaced here 2 files). I want to read them, and save the data into matrix. But I only want the data above the first dotted line (text left side to : in first column, and other data after : to the second column). Secondly, I want to save the data which is between two dotted lines (—-). Again, the data under Item is in first column, and corresponding 3rd column in second column. Please help me some how to do this.

Best Answer

if your file always has the same amount of lines you could do something like this (if not, you need to check where the ---- occurs)
for ii = 1:Nfiles
fid = fopen(fileNames{ii});
if fid == -1
error('Unable to open txtfile');
fileData1{ii} = textscan(fid,'%s %s','Delimiter',':','HeaderLines',1,21);
fileData2{ii} = textscan(fid,'%s %s %s','Delimter','\t','HeaderLines',2);