MATLAB: Read multiple .pcm files from a directory

read .pcm file

hey guys,i need some help here,well i have a main folder and there's inside him 2 subfolders each of it has 60 .pcm files..i have to open and read them using this code:
i use this command x=dir('mydirectory\*.pcm') and then i write
for i=1:length(x)
the problem is when after this for loop write the command
matlab doesn't accept y as for my filename!any ideas???
thx in advance

Best Answer

You should be doing your processing of the file within your "for" loop: otherwise, each time through the loop, you over-write "y" with the latest x(i).name
Your open should be:
thisfile = ['mydirectory\' y];
fid = fopen(thisfile, 'r')
This is needed in order to account for the directory, and is also needed so that you do not try to open the file whose name is literally "y"