MATLAB: Read multiple excel file and apply process on it using matlab

excelexporting excel dataimporting excel dataMATLAB

i have multiple excel files in D:\ directory these files name starting with "gt" characters i need to delete all empty rows in these files in , Sheet1 only and store processed files in other names ,
Q :\ The following code has been successfully deleted all empty rows but from single file , how we can applied it to all files in D:\ directory and their names start with "gt" characters ? the following code which i mention above …
projectdir = 'D:'
FileNames = dir(fullfile(projectdir, 'gt*.xls'));
for i=1:length(FileNames)
FileToLoad = fullfile(projectdir, FileNames(i).name);
[~, ~, data] = xlsread(FileToLoad,'Sheet1');
data(cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && isnumeric(x) && isnan(x), data)) = {''};
ii = 1;
while true
if any(strcmp('', data(ii,:))) % find rows with empty cell
data(ii,:) = []; % remove the row
ii = ii+1;
break % When the process goes beyond the end, stop the loop.
outputfile = fullfile(projectdir, 'result{i}.xls');
xlswrite(outputfile, data);
i hope to get output like :
gt1.xls file store as result1.xls file ;
gt2.xls file store as result2.xls file ;
and so on ....

Best Answer

That code appears to loop over the desired files, but it always writes the output to the same file 'gt.xls'. You may wish to use
xlswrite(FileToLoad, data)