MATLAB: Read in text file and place each word of the sentence it’s own separate cell

strsplittext file

I have a text file with a bunch of sentences. There is one sentence per line and I would like read each sentence in and place it in a cell array so that each word of each sentence is in its own separate cell. I am guessing that I would use strsplit?
Right now I have a .mat file where each sentence is in its own cell but I want to further delimit them so that every word is in it's own cell. If I have 10 four word sentences, I would like to have a 1×10 cell array so that when I click on each cell, the sentence is separated into four cells.

Best Answer

If you already have a cell array C with the separated sentences:
D = cell(1, length(C));
for i = 1:length(C)
c = strsplit(regexprep(C{i}, {',', ';', ',', ':'}, {'', '', '', ''}), ' ');
D(i,1:length(c)) = c;
Note: You may have to add more symbols to the rexexprep arguments.
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