MATLAB: Read from text file (vw9.out)

readscantext file

I have two matrix generated in ANSYS and written in vw9.out as a text file
A = [
35.217 35.087 34.713 34.138
35.217 35.087 34.713 34.138
47.942 48.091 48.522 49.193
47.942 48.091 48.522 49.193
B = [
20.266 19.457 18.691
20.266 19.457 18.691
69.078 70.592 72.097
69.078 70.592 72.097
C =[A B ]
I want to import these matrix in matlab.
using fopen('vw9.out','r');
I am not able to do it. Can anybody suggest how to do it.

Best Answer

You can read it using
fid = fopen('vw9.out','r');
fcon = textscan(fid,'%s');
but if all you want to do is to import the matrices the easiest would be to rename the file to vw9.m and execute it as a script.