MATLAB: Read empty line by textscan

data importMATLABtext filetextscan

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to organize a txt file with 12000 lines, which is too large to use readtable. And i choose to use textscan.
But the problem is textscan just skip all the empty lines, but i need to the exact lines number of certain element in the original file.
I searched a lot online but didn't help. i tried code like this to delete all whitespace but doesn't help.
default = textscan(fid,'%s%s','Delimiter','=','whitespace', '')
Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

If your file doesn't contain any special characters, you could try fileread (which reads a file as one long char array), then split it with regexp. If you aren't sure about the encoding of special characters, you may consider my readfile function (which returns a cell array with 1 element per line, also for empty lines).
default = fileread(filename);
default = regexp(default,'\n','split');
default = readfile(filename);
The output of those two methods is equivalent if there are no special characters encoded in the file. The allowed characters are shown below. (readfile doesn't have this restriction)
% $%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@
% [\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~