MATLAB: Re-bin My Data is Discrete Energy Values


Hi I am trying to rebin my data is discrete values.
Energy Amount
11.8652 3.5891
12.5513 6.6741
11.8652 3.5891
8.8125 1.1711
8.8125 2.3422
8.8125 1.1711
5.7598 0.3324
5.0737 0.9444
5.7598 0.3324
12.5513 6.6741
14.1000 19.0596
12.5513 6.6741
8.8125 2.3422
0.0000 0.0000
8.8125 2.3422
5.0737 0.9444
3.5250 7.2712
5.0737 0.9444
11.8652 3.5891
12.5513 6.6741
11.8652 3.5891
8.8125 1.1711
8.8125 2.3422
8.8125 1.1711
5.7598 0.3324
5.0737 0.9444
5.7598 0.3324
I am very thankful that Walter Roberson helped me with < * a very useful technique> as follows.
[uvals, a, uidx] = unique(YourData(:,1));
Sum = accumarray(uidx, YourData(:,2));
plot(uvals, Sum)
However, I am unable to bin the data in discrete bins. For example, I would like to re-bin my data from 1-2 Energy and then 2-3 Energy so and so. Bascially, I would like a histogram that shows the Energy values in the x-axis. I hope this is clear.

Best Answer

Sum = histc(YourData, BinBoundaries);