MATLAB: Re-arranging huge martix

matlab code and matrix

Hi guys, spent long time trying to figure out how to rearange the matrix that I have, what am having is the following martix
A= [ x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ; x4 y4 x5 y5 x6 y6]
am trying to arrange my matrix into the following form B = [x1 y1 ; x2 y2 ; x3 y3 ; ….]
my original matrix is (10,1300) am trying to convert it to (6500,2)
i have tried to use for loop but it did not work out
here is my script
A = input('enter mat>');
rowA= size(A,1);
colA= size(A,2);
for i=1:1:rowA
for j=1:2:colA-1
B = A(i,[j,j+1])
please i need something more efficient and faster than for loops!

Best Answer

B = transpose(reshape(transpose(A), 2, []));