MATLAB: RBF newrbe algorithm uses k-means and inverse matrix

Deep Learning Toolboxinverse matrixk-meansnewrberbf

Does newrbe algorithm use k-means or random vectors for neuron center? For weights calculations is uses inverse matrix?

Best Answer

No. NEWRBE constructs identical symmetric Gaussians around EACH data point. Therefore, to optimize the design, just vary the common radius of the Gaussians.
Weights are determined using pseudo-inversion via the minimum-mse BACKSLASH solution x = A\b to the linear matrix equation A*x = b.
For serious RBF work, consider a modification of NEWRB where Gaussians are iteratively constructed from the poorest performing data point.
Years ago I made some substantial improvements to the NEWRB algorithm in the NEWSGROUP. Try searching backwards in time with the search words
greg newrb
Hope this helps.
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