MATLAB: Rapid Accelerator: Parameter value too large to download to target application

rapid acceleratorsimulink

I am receiving this error when execution my model in Rapid Accelerator mode: 'Parameter value is too large to download to target application'.
A similar question has been asked before but the suggested answer to drag and drop the values into the model work space is not a sufficient solution.
One of my first questions is should I expect this warning to affect the results of my simulation? And if so, what are my options to address the warning?
Thank you

Best Answer

Hi Aidan,
This warning would most likely affect your results. Here are a few possible workarounds:
1. Simulate the model using the "sim" command
sim('vdp', 'SimulationMode','rapid');
2. Ensure that referenced parameters used in the model are < 2kB large when using rapid accelerator mode.
3. Move parameters into the Model Workspace, which places certain tunability limitations on these parameters and allows the model to run without warning. This can be achieved either manually through the Model Explorer or programmatically through callbacks using Simulink.ModelWorkspace
4. Place a mask on the blocks using the parameters and manually select the parameters passed in through the mask as non-tunable (uncheck the tunable setting).