MATLAB: Rapid accelerator compiler issue when importing workspace data array

data arraydata importinportsMATLABrapid acceleratorsimulinksimulink input

I am importing test data into a simulation via root inports. I have a data array with 13 columns and a variable number of rows (each test was run for a different amount of time). The first column contains the time array and the remaining 12 correspond with the 12 inports in my model. This setup runs fine in normal and accelerator mode. But when I try to run in rapid accelerator mode I get the following error:
Error occurred while simulating the model 'Validation_model' in rapid accelerator mode. Rerun the
simulation in normal mode to diagnose this error. Array dimensions of periodic function call inport
specification in MAT-file
C:\Model Directory\inpfcff2063_83bb_4981_8f85_8467c8da4ff2.mat
was not correct!
Dimensions must be 1 by the number of root inports.
I've also tried changing the data format to multiple data arrays (1 per inport) and structures with time. Both formats caused the same error.
EDIT: I had a colleague run the same model on their machine and they seem to be able to run it in RA mode without any problems. I ran mex -setup and it did not find a supported compiler. This is a bit of a shock since regular accel mode has been working without a hitch and I have had no "no SDK installed" error messages at all. I installed win SDK 7.1 without a problem and mex -setup sees it just fine but I still get the same error message as before! Maybe this is a very strange compiler issue? I'm running Windows 8.1 x64 and have windows SDK 7.1 as my compiler.

Best Answer

Uninstalling Matlab and checking "remove preference files" then reinstalling solved this problem. I've narrowed it down to the .mat file save format setting in preferences. Setting this the save format to "Version 7.3 or later" causes the issue to reappear. I don't understand why this affects rapid accelerator. I'll try submitting it as a bug.