MATLAB: Random sampling of elements from an array based on a target condition in MATLAB

randomrandom sampling

I have an array (let's call it ElmInfo) of size Nx2 representing a geometry. In that array the element number and element volume are on the column 1 and column 2 respectively. The volume of elements largely vary. The sum of the volume of all elements leads to a value V which can be obtained in MATLAB as:
I want to randomly sample elements from the array ElmInfo in such a way that the volume of sampled elements (with no repetition) will lead to a target volume V1. Note: V1 is less than V. So I don't know the number of elements to be sampled. I am giving an example. For a sampling case number of sampled element can be '10' whereas in other sampling number of sampled element can be '15'.
There is no straightforward MATLAB in-built function to meet the target condition. How can I implement the code in MATLAB?

Best Answer

If your process is just to sample until you are within a tolerance of V_1 and you want things to be truly random, how about the following algorithm:
  • Randomly shuffle the entries of V
  • Take a cumulative sum
  • If there is an entry within a certain tolerance of V_1, keep the corresponding entries and exit
  • Otherwise, repeat
This is a completely naive brute-force approach, which won't work well at all if your tolerance is small. But if your tolerance is generous, the following might do the job well enough, and will actually sample things at random.
n = 300;
v = rand(n, 1);
V1 = 17;
tol = 1e-2;
sample = [];
maxits = 10000;
for count = 1:maxits
p = randperm(n);
s = cumsum(v(p));
k = find(abs(s - V1) < tol);
if ~isempty(k)
sample_indices = p(1:k(1));
sample = v(sample_indices);
fprintf('sample found after %d iterations\n', count);