MATLAB: Random number estimate value

random number generator

In this problem I know that for a=0.5 q=125. I try fo find that now I don't know a value but I know q. How can I estimate a value and use random command for a value.
a =rand(); % estimate number
b = 0.1;
fun = @(x,y) a*x.^2 + b*y.^2;
q = integral2(fun,0,5,-5,0) % real value 125

Best Answer

Try this:
b = 0.1;
fun = @(x,y,a,b) a*x.^2 + b*y.^2;
q_fcn = @(a) integral2(@(x,y)fun(x,y,a,b),0,5,-5,0) % real value 125
a = fzero(@(a)q_fcn(a) - 125, 1)
a =
This solves for ‘a’ given ‘b’, ‘q’ and the limits of integration.