MATLAB: Randi, generate an array of unique numbers


Hi, I have an assigment where i need to generate random numbers using randi. Each number generate must be unique. Is there a fast way to do it (feature of randi function). Ex : randi(10,1,6) = [9 8 1 5 3 9] % this is not good for me because 9 is repeated.
I know I could generate the number in a loot, and verifi if it equal to an other number already written but I wonder if there is a faster way.

Best Answer

No, I don't think there is a faster way and I doubt it is meant to be fast. The direct and efficient way to do this would be to use randperm(10,6). The fact that you are asked to use randi instead shows that the exercise is being made artificially difficult, presumably to force you to work your coding muscles.