MATLAB: RAM/ROM memory metrics for Embedded Coder

Embedded Coder

I am generating code from a Simulink model using Embedded Coder. Is there any way that Simulink can measure/predict the amount of ROM/RAM that the application will need?

Best Answer

Listed below are several documentation links pertaining to retrieving code metrics from Embedded Coder:
Generating Static Code Metrics
Memory Usage Optimization
Performance Evaluation of Generated Code
Additionally, under the "Summary" section of the "Code Generation Report", you can find an entry titled "Memory Information" under the "Code Information" table. This table entry would be present if the "Static Code Metrics" Configuration Parameter is enabled.
The "Memory Information" entry would report the "Global Memory" as well as the "Maximum Stack" size of the generated code. Since true memory usage is platform and compiler dependent, an exact memory usage metric would not be available solely from code generation. The exact number would have to be retrieved from the execution of compiled code through third-party or compiler packaged utilities.
The last documentation link highlights an example of using a utility from NXP to determine certain runtime metrics such as RAM and ROM usage.